From Work Study to Interim Director: A Journey of Library Excellence

I started at Southwestern Assemblies of God University in 2008 as a work study student employee and climbed the ladder to become the Interim Director in 2023. During this rewarding journey, I've gained comprehensive experience in every facet of library operations, from managing resources and budgets to providing exceptional service to students and faculty.

I've championed innovative solutions, leading the transition from outdated systems to user-friendly platforms like OCLC WorldShare ILL and LibGuides CMS. My efforts have expanded access to resources, streamlined processes, and empowered both staff and patrons.

My commitment extends beyond the library walls. I actively participate in faculty and staff committees, demonstrating my dedication to fostering a vibrant campus community. I'm invested in improving the whole campus - in the library, in the conference room, and in the classroom.

Investing in Expertise: Education

Master of Library Science
Texas Woman's University
3.75 GPA

I specialized in Information Technology and, additionally, took courses in collection development and academic librarianship.

M.A. in Bible & Theology
Southwestern Assemblies of God University
3.96 GPA

I received the LeRoy Bartel Award for Excellence in Biblical Studies upon graduation.

B.A. in Education, Middle and Secondary English, Language Arts, and Reading
Southwestern Assemblies of God University
3.87 GPA

Upon graduation, I received my Texas teaching certification for ELAR in grades 8-12.

A.A. in Bible
Southwestern Assemblies of God University

Serving Communities: Library Experience

I have worked for Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, Texas, since 2008, where I started as a Work Study student employee and worked my way up to Interim Director in 2023. 

Interim Director of Library Services
Aug 2023 - Jun 2024

Assistant Director of Library Services
Aug 2017 - Jun 2024

ILL & Technology Librarian
Jan 2016 - Jul 2017

Library Associate
Jan 2013 - Dec 2015

Library Assistant  (Student Employee)
Oct 2008 - Dec 2012

Across these positions, I have worked in every department of the Nelson Memorial Library. 


Analytics & Reporting: 2013 - 2024

I gathered usage statistics and generated reports for annual reporting to IPEDS, ACRL, and TexShare. I completed the library section of IPEDS and submitted the annual ACRL and TexShare reports. I wrote accreditation compliance reports for accreditation reaffirmation with SACS-COC. I evaluated annual student and faculty surveys and reported their data using TracDat for evidence of institutional effectiveness. I worked with library staff to set annual operational objectives and analyze success in meeting them. I built a library dashboard showing key library metrics using a blend of live and monthly data. I implemented the use of SUSHI to streamline harvesting electronic resource usage. I created a central location for all library departments to input their data for annual reports. 

Employee Management: 2023 - 2024

I successfully interviewed and hired student employees, part-time staff, and full-time staff members. I worked with employees to set annual and semester goals and evaluated their progress. I used institutional software to manage time sheets and PTO requests.

Budget: 2014 - 2024

I used credit card reconciliation software to assign credit card purchases to appropriate library accounts and attach receipts. I tracked resource expenses over time to create accurate predictions of annual cost increases and budget overviews. I monitored resource expenses throughout the year to ensure posted expenses matched anticipated expenses. I used campus budget software to set the library budget for the upcoming year, and I negotiated a net budgetary increase in a year when departments were expected to remain budget-neutral or implement cuts.

Technical Services

Cataloging: 2016 - 2024

I led the library in cataloging purchased Kindle eBooks before expanding to catalog all library resources, including print monographs, print serials, podcasts, eSerials, eBooks, eAudiobooks, theses/dissertations, electronic theses/dissertations, vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, websites, and more. I used OCLC Connexion Browser, TLC Library.Solution LS2 Cataloging, Accessit, z39.50 downloads, OCLC Connexion Client, OCLC WorldShare Record Manager, and MarcEdit. I downloaded and enhanced vendor records, performed copy cataloging, and created original catalog records both locally and in OCLC WorldCat. I enhanced old catalog records with better metadata that conformed to current standards. I oversaw the library's migration from AARC2 to RDA. I created and documented local classification standards to expand the Dewey Decimal Classification system in locally-needed areas, including a system for expanding 248.4 and 810-899. I led the library into adopting the Cutter-Sanborn Four-Figure numbers instead of the three-figure numbers. I worked with Accessit to implement many needed improvements to their cataloging modules.

Electronic Resource Management: 2014 - 2024

I ensured the library websites maintained accurate access methods for all subscribed/purchased electronic resources. I launched the library's first discovery service, OCLC WorldCat Discovery. I activated knowledge base collections within OCLC WorldShare Collection Manager to surface entitled and Open Access content within WorldCat Discovery. I created and shared original knowledge base collections using KBART to expand access to Open Access resources. I evaluated electronic resources for potential adoption and negotiated with vendors for the best pricing. I activated access to electronic serials and ensured their inclusion in our discovery service. I configured OCLC's link resolver to work within the library's subscribed databases to enhance findability of entitled content. I implemented an Electronic Thesis & Dissertation (ETD) program where doctoral students submit their completed dissertations to ProQuest using ETDAdmin, to the Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), and to the library for digital distribution through Open Access. I managed EZproxy, ensuring our database stanza configuration remained current and functional; when we migrated from self-hosted to OCLC-hosted, I updated our EZproxy prefix in all pertinent locations. I set up access to new databases, ensuring their inclusion in our discovery service and LibGuides Database A-Z List and Subject Guides. I was the project manager and team lead for implementing TexShare's massive database program change in 2022-2023. I led the library into joining the Christian Library Consortium's OverDrive group.

Systems: 2014 - 2024

I monitored, troubleshot, and updated all library systems, including TLC's Library.Solutions, Accessit, OCLC WorldCat Discovery, OCLC WorldShare ILL, OCLC WorldShare Record Manager, OCLC Connexion Client, MarcEdit, ETDAdmin, LibGuides, LibCal, LibAnswers, and OCLC EZproxy. I was the project manager and team lead for the library's system migration from Library.Solution to Accessit. I implemented the library's use of WorldCat Discovery, WorldShare ILL, WorldShare Record Manager, OverDrive, ETDAdmin, LibGuides, LibCal, and LibAnswers. I generated usage reports for all library systems for annual reporting, collection development, and service enhancement purposes.

Collection Development: 2014 - 2024

I participated in weeding projects in my areas of subject specialty, including large-scale weeding of the general information, education, and literature sections. In 2014, I handled all library acquisitions, working with vendors to find the best prices and keeping accurate records of encumbered and spent money. In 2017, I led the library's collection development efforts during a several-month period of change, during which time I selected and acquired print resources for the library. I selected eBooks and eAudiobooks on OverDrive, and selected many EBSCO and ProQuest eBook packages. I worked with collection development staff to set annual and semester collection goals. I analyzed library print collections for recency and wrote reports for university administration demonstrating the need for budget restoration to prevent the collection becoming outdated. I analyzed library resource spending in comparison to comparable institutions based upon IPEDS data. I evaluated enrollment data for informing collection development priorities.

Web Development: 2014 - 2024

I led the library in adopting LibGuides in 2015 and ensured compliance with campus marketing and style guide regulations. I worked with the webmaster to make both minor and major updates to the library's website, including a complete re-design of the website. I have written many custom widgets for use on the library's website and on LibGuides and LibAnswers. In 2023, the library upgraded to LibGuides CMS, which I used to create a new homepage for the library; I then worked with the webmaster to receive permission to use this new site as the library's official website (2024). I worked with the learning management system staff to launch a project to embed LibGuides directly into Blackboard courses (2024, ongoing). 

Public Services

Circulation: 2008 - 2013

I staffed the primary circulation and information desk where I checked out and returned all types of library materials. I marked use for reference resources and recorded in-house use for items not borrowed. I implemented an increase of both the checkout period for items and the number of items students were allowed to borrow at once. I led the library into removing overdue fines. I adapted an existing but unused module within Accessit to function as an eReserves system.

Interlibrary Loan: 2013 - 2017

I used OCLC FirstSearch to lend and borrow returnable and non-returnable resources. I championed and manged the library's upgrade from the FirstSearch interface to the user-friendly OCLC WorldShare ILL platform and trained colleagues along the way. I ensured adherence to consortia reciprocal borrowing policies and led the library into joining additional free lending programs (LVIS and ACL ILL) to enhance our ILL experience. I oversaw participation in the Association of Christian Librarian's ILL email listserv. I generated ILL reports for both yearly records and collection development strategies. At various times, I reviewed and revised the library's ILL policies for adherence with industry best practices.

Reference: 2008 - 2024

I staffed the primary information desk where I assisted patrons in the use of the catalog, in finding resources on the shelf, and in answering library questions. I also offered appointment-based one-on-one reference sessions in-person and online where I assisted students in in-depth research strategies. I served as a subject specialist in teacher education, English, Bible & theology, and thesis/dissertation research. I led the library into adopting LibAnswers and guided the library though the creation of many reference FAQs and the setup of Ref Analytics

Information Literacy: 2013 - 2024

I both assisted in and led information literacy one-shot sessions with college freshmen, introducing them to library resources and research. I also met with doctoral students one to two times a year to teach research sources and skills specific to dissertation writing. I have created hundreds of Tango workflows demonstrating the step-by-step process for accessing library resources and performing research tasks.

I served my campus through working on both staff and faculty committees; additionally, I chaired the Library Committee while serving as the Interim Library Director.

Library Committee (Faculty)
Chair from July 2023 to 2024
Member from August 2017 to June 2023

Accreditation Committee (Faculty)
Member from August 2018 to 2024

Name Change Task Force (Staff)
Member from June 2023 to 2024

Leading Edge Committee (Faculty)
Member from August 2017 to July 2018

Staff Affairs Committee (Staff)
Member from August 2015 to July 2017

Engaging My Community: Professional Development

Conference Attendance

Beginning in 2015, I have attended library conferences every chance I get. In addition to the Texas Library Association conference, I attend the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative conference every year. I attend the Association of Christian Librarians annual conference each year I am able; this conference represents the height of what a library conference can be; if I could attend every session every year, I would. I presented at this conference in June 2024.

Listserv Participation

I am an active participant in the ACL listserv and the ACL Technical Services Interest Group listserv, answering questions any time I have something to contribute. This listserv provides an incredible source of wisdom and guidance from librarians at institutions of every size and from every stage of life. 


I regularly research relevant facets of my job, looking for areas where I can learn more and improve. I subscribe to table of contents alerts from professional journals and read articles relevant to my areas of responsibility. Furthermore, I receive product updates for library tools I use regularly so I can stay up-to-date on changes and enhancements. 

Investing in the Future: Teaching Experience

Over the span of ten years, I taught at Southwestern Assemblies of God University in capacities ranging from guest lecturer to adjunct faculty instruction. 

Adjunct Faculty Instructor
Integrated Reading & Writing
Aug 2020 - Apr 2021

Guest Lecturer - Dystopian Literature
ENG3343 "Young Adult Literature"
Fall 2017 and Fall 2019

Composition Lab Instructor
Sep 2018 - Dec 2018

Instructional Assistant
Aug 2014 - Dec 2014

Knowledge in Action: Professional Presentations

Cataloging without Cataloging: Leveraging Google Forms and MarcEdit to Generate Original MARC Records
ACL Annual Conference, June 10, 2024
This workshop presents the innovation that led to the Nelson Memorial Library being selected for the "ACL Award for Excellence in Innovation " in 2024. Need to produce original MARC records but can't wrap your head around cataloging? This session will show how to use Google Forms, a connected Google Sheet, and the free app MarcEdit to create original MARC records that will pass validation - without having to learn how to catalog. After the initial setup, the system is so easy to use, a work study can do it! To get the most out of this session, attendees are encouraged to bring a laptop with MarcEdit already installed and a Google account ready for use.

WorldCat Discovery Community Roundtable: Tips and Tricks for Google Analytics 4
OCLC, July 26, 2023
During this session, community speakers who have implemented Google Analytics 4 (G4) at their institutions share details about creating dashboards, search term queries, reporting and sharing data, and more.
Presenters: Suzy Baily, Eric Bradley, Kris Ann Hudson, and Tamsin Rothery

Google Suite @ SAGU
Southwestern Assemblies of God University, May 15, 2018
A presentation for Southwestern Assemblies of God University's summer staff development classes, presented to university staff members.

OCLC Member Forum Panelist
OCLC, Pasadena, TX, September 2016
A user panel discussing SAGU's implementation and use of OCLC WorldCat Discovery.

WorldCat Discovery Best Practices: Implementation and Use at Southwestern Assemblies of God University
OCLC, January 26, 2016
A webinar presentation about the implementation of OCLC WorldCat Discovery at the Nelson Memorial Library at SAGU.
Presenters: Kris Ann Hudson and John Palmer